Friday, February 17, 2012

Wildlife Tour: Saturday 18 February 2012

An astonishing morning's bike ride.

I was awake early due, I believe, to late night coffee drinking. Since I was unable to get back to sleep, I decided to ride my motorcycle. I left shortly after 5:30am and proceeded along Rama III and Rama II towards Samut Sakon. Shortly before Samut Sakon I turned into Ekkachai Road and travelled through Mahachai to join the rural roads leading back to Soi Suksuwat and Bangkok. While riding parallel to the coast along 4008 I had a surprise!

Somewhere in the picture is a HUGE monitor lizard. While travelling east along 4008 I saw, what I thought was a fallen tree, across the road. I slowed and as I got near it moved!! It was a huge monitor lizard gradually making its way towardds the edge of the road! I stopped and fumbled for my iPhone camera but by the time I got sorted he was in the swamp ! Huff!!

After the monitor lizard I stopped to send an email of the rather miserable picture (I'll have to get an iPhone 4s with its shortcut picture taking!!!).

While I was waiting for the email to send, an enormous python plonked in front if me in the fish pond I was stopped next to. He was only six feet away and his head was at least twice as big as my fist!! I was paralysed for a few seconds and didn't know what to do!! Thank goodness he was swimming away and not towards me!!!

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