Sunday, December 18, 2011

Mahachai: 17 December 2011

Last trip for 2011 as shortly leaving for Christmas holiday. Given an expected  busy weekend ahead, I decided to keep the trip short and start early. So, at about 5:15am departed for the "seaside" - Mahachai and one of my favorite rides. I took the rural roads and came across my first "flood" in Thailand. A stretch of road that runs between shrimp ponds was flooded for 50 or so meters - not particularly deep but fun to ride through nevertheless.

Reached usual PTT gasoline station and the 7-11 (mileage 6,308) at about 6:45am and had breakfast of 0% fat milk and yogurt. Upon return to Bangkok a much needed "car wash" was quickly followed by chain oil to ensure everything remained healthy on the motorcycle.

Mahachai PTT gasoline station - Latitude : 33° 42' 36" N Longitude : 100° 15' 53" E

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